Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Problem With Getting Healthy

I've wanted to lose weight and get healthier for a long time. Of course now I have a much more tangible reason than I had before, and that is good. I've been cutting out the fast food, eating more fruits, veggies, nuts and all, and finding myself with more energy. Not that I am about to power a small city with it yet -- I doubt I could power a bicycle up a steep hill right now! But this energy has me awake right now and wanting to do things, like clean the house and go run around and do errands.

Problem? Master is one time zone later than I. He is also farther north. That means that for him, the sun has set, he is heading to bed, he will want to go to sleep within a couple hours. but for me? The sun is still out, and will be for just under an hour. The birds are still chirping, and I have dishes to do, a late dinner to make for myself, and sort of wondering if there's anyplace to go shoot pool on a Tuesday night.

Instead, I am going in to take a cool bath, and then go into bed to kick up Skype and talk with Master. Now, before anyone thinks I am complaining about that, I am not. My body is a bit too bouncy right now, still wanting to go out and play... but I am not complaining about spending time with him.

I just wish there was an energy saver button somewhere on me, so I could kick it into lower gear for just a bit this evening.

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