Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Just The Day Today

Day off! Homework finished. Three loads of laundry in the washers downstairs. Trash bags filling up, and I am wondering how in the hell I can accumulate so much crap over the course of a week or two. New printer up and running, thank goodness.

One of the first things to be printed? Today's To Do list, minus the more personal "to dos" of course. Have I mentioned I am horrible at being organized for myself? I'm pretty sure I have. I am very "ooh, shiny!" when I am home, which doesn't help with housework. but if I can check things off on a checklist, if I can see my progress as I go along? I make a game out of it, and things get done. Yes, I know that sounds very childish. I don't really care - it's how I am.


Bills paid - excellent! Some running around in the car about to be done!

Although I just realized I forgot something Master told me to do. He understands how it happened, but I get a "correction" anyway. Inside my head is that little kid, dragging her feet (literally!) because she really doesn't want to be punished. I'm trying to ignore her whining about this excuse and that... and sort of surprising myself that I can. No, I don't want punishment or whatever, even though it was a smallish infraction and the punishment shouldn't be severe at all. I just want it forgotten. (Of course, I am not around him, and he would never have known I forgot had I not told him. *laughs* The dynamic sure isn't weak!)

So now I go do some errandy things and come back and find out what's in store. Deal with it, and go on, hopefully not screwing up again... at least not for awhile!

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